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I have 5/7 onf magic fish. I need o...

I have 5/7 onf magic fish. I need orange spotanus. How do I get that. (I accidetnly sold it in the begginging.) help!

By goldbulb52
make $ to buy common fish eggs, keep trying until you have it.
By zaiaz
Greenfin spont+Silky Spont=Orange spont
By cutiebug
Breed a Pink Spotanus with a spined spotanus and you will get the orange spot.

By lynn76
I'm new to the game and to the site can some one please help me.All my baby fish keep dying I feed them but that doesn't seem to work.Some of my full growen fish have poor health.I have no idea what I'm doing wrong let alone getting the 7 magic fish.
By kitkat208
You need to go to supplies, and buy the upgrades for the enviroment and the food, I did the food first at least the fish lived a little longer. Do you have the snail to clean the tank? That helps too, and the heater and aerator.
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